Question to Consider for Each Animal Utilization Project Proposal

These questions should be considered in completing the AUPP.

  • What are the scientific justifications for using the proposed endpoint?
  • What is the expected time course for the animals, from initial treatment to first signs of pain/distress, to the death of the animal, based on previous information with the specific model under study?
  • When are the effects to the animal expected to be the most severe?
  • If the course of the disease and expected signs of the adverse effects are unknown, could an initial (pilot study, under close observation by the investigator and/or laboratory animal veterinary staff) answer these questions?
  • Has a checklist of observations, on which the endpoint will be based, been established?
  • Who will monitor the animals (ID all responsible) and keep records?
  • Has a clear chain of reporting observations been established?
  • What will be the frequency of animal observations: a) during the course of the study; and b) during critical times for the animals?
  • Do the investigators, animal care and technical staff have the training and expertise to monitor the animals adequately?
  • What provisions have been made to deal with any animals that show unexpectedly severe signs and symptoms?
  • For toxicological studies, have existing toxicological data been evaluated?

For more information, go to the CCAC guidelines on: choosing an appropriate endpoint in experiments using animals for research, teaching and testing, 1998 (.pdf)

Contact the Animal Care Committee

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Animal Care Committee
Chrysler Hall North
Room 2138
519-253-3000 ext. 3741