Finding Your Fit: Career Discovery Day

Friday, August 18, 2017 - 09:00 to 15:00

A full-day of discussions and self-reflective activities where you will learn methods to achieve a greater understanding of personal interests, values, personality, transferable skills and strengths.

Lunch 12pm-1pm is not provided but you may bring your own.

REQUIREMENT: The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment will be e-mailed to you prior to your registration and MUST BE COMPLETED ON-LINE PRIOR TO CAREER DISCOVERY DAY.

This pre-assessment will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Your results will be accessed and reviewed by a career consultant and fully discussed during the event.

When: August 18, 9:00-3:00
Location:  Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, Suite #100
Register at: (click on "career", then on "career events" to register). You must register for this event.

Career Services Team