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Co-op Programs

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The University of Windsor connects employers with students from a wide range of faculties and disciplines, including:

  • Business
  • Business/Computer Science
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Kinesiology
  • Physics (Physics & High Technology, Medical Physics)
  • Master of Engineering
  • Master of Engineering - Mechanical Automotive
  • Master of Science Degree in Computer Science


Co-op programs integrate academic study with work experience in appropriate fields of business, industry, government, social services and the professions.

Since 1973, Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada) has been a resource for educators, students and employers interested in the co-operative education process. CAFCE is a member-driven association with over 400 members from colleges, universities, government and business actively advocating and promoting post-secondary co-operative education.

The designation certifies programs as meeting the association's criteria, including:

  • Approval by the University of each work placement;
  • Productive full-time paid work for participants; and
  • Monitoring their job performance by educators and employers.

The association provides a national forum for co-op professionals to advance Canada's post-secondary co-operative education.