laptop computer displaying Blackboard

Upgrade to disable Blackboard Learn on Friday morning

An upgrade to Blackboard Learn will take the learning management system offline Friday, December 22, from 7 a.m. to noon.

Features in this upgrade include:

  • Several bug fixes and security improvements.
  • Assignments - inline grading tool conversion preparations. To facilitate the change of service from the existing tool called “Crocodoc” to the “New Box View” service, the LMS Team has to install software supports. The actual conversion of existing annotated documents won’t occur until the first week of January. This affects only instructors using the annotation functionality in assignments. Read more on this change.
  • Grade display standardization - all gradebook columns online, download, and in My Grades support up to five decimals, are not rounded, and are consistent for Score and percentage display types. The % symbol has been removed from cells in the offline download file to ensure values are not rounded.

For updates on the planned maintenance or Blackboard outages, visit ITS HotNews or the Announcements feature on the Blackboard login page for further details.