Provost’s monthly contest to investigate undergraduate research

Undergraduate students at the University of Windsor enjoy many opportunities to engage in some of the ground-breaking research on campus, says provost Douglas Kneale.

Many work with professors to tackle important issues, investigate great ideas, and solve problems, while others produce fascinating original works and products through hands-on creation or performance.

“Once upon a time, it seemed that only professors did research,” Dr. Kneale says, “but now we integrate discovery in all its forms into the curricular and co-curricular experiences of our students.”

He recalls delivering his first public conference paper as an undergraduate.

“It was a comparative study of two 19th-century literary texts in what we call the locodescriptive or topographical genre,” Kneale says. “I can’t recall how it went over with the audience, but I sure remember the effect it had on me.”

Hence his Question of the Month for March 2018: If you’ve been involved in undergraduate research, what is the effect it has had on you?

The question looks forward to March 22 and 23, when the University will hold its annual UWill Discover conference. Designed to showcase the research, scholarship, and creative activities UWindsor undergrads engage in each year, the event provides students an opportunity dear to Kneale’s heart.

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit a response to the Question of the Month to by March 31. As always, the most thoughtful respondent will win a University of Windsor hoodie.