Course to explore practical tools and strategies for technology-enhanced teaching

A free open online course offered by the Office of Open Learning will explore tools, resources, and strategies for teaching in online, hybrid, and technology-enhanced settings.

The “Practice what you teach” course will run for six weeks, starting March 26.

Instructor Mark Lubrick, a learning specialist in the Office of Open Learning, will cover:

  • quality standards for online lessons and courses,
  • templates and resources to help plan technology enhanced lessons and assessments,
  • free video creation and editing tools,
  • basic accessibility concerns and tools to evaluate accessibility,
  • free tools for adding interactivity, and
  • a brief introduction to free 3D animation tools.

“I want instructors to finish this course and have the basics to design high-quality, interactive, and multimedia-rich courses that are accessible to all students,” he says.

The course is designed for faculty and grad students, and will be delivered through Blackboard, with asynchronous components and one synchronous session a week.

“I have built the course around the concept of open education,” says Lubrick. “All of the technology tools demonstrated will be free for anyone to use.”

This course also counts towards the new Certificate in Open and Online Learning offered by the Office of Open Learning for faculty and grad students interested in online, open, and technology-enhanced learning and teaching.

The course is open to all UWindsor faculty and graduate students, who can register at:

Direct questions about the course or the Certificate in Open and Online Learning to Lubrick at or 519-253-3000, ext. 6867.