baby playing in pile of leavesThe October 2018 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” extols the benefits of feeling grateful for the little things in life.

Publication explores health benefits of practising gratitude

Do you remember the last time you felt grateful for one of life’s small pleasures? A day of sunshine after weeks of rain, a perfectly ripe tomato from a garden, a thoughtful comment from a colleague — these little gifts happen daily.

Gratitude can have positive effects on your mental and physical health as well as overall well-being, says the October edition of Workplace Wellness E-Digest.

Published by the Department of Human Resources’ Office of Employee Engagement and Development, the newsletter highlights the benefits of pausing to feel grateful.

Articles offer tips on accepting change, building resilience, and how to avoid getting and spreading the flu. Read the Workplace Wellness E-Digest.