Dr. Geri Salinitri

Dr. Geri Salintiri

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Contact Information Icon Contact Information

Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext 3961
Office: Room 3309, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building

Profile Icon Profile

Associate Dean, Pre-Service 
Associate Professor, Ph.D. University of Windsor

Research Interests Icon Research Interests

  • Science
  • Gender issues
  • Adult education
  • Tutoring and Mentoring

Publications Icon Publications

Chapters in Books

1.      Johrendt, J., Singh,L, Hector, S., Watters, M., Salinitri, G., Benzinger, K., Jaekel, A., Northwood, D. (2011). The co-op portfolio: an essential tool for assessment and student development in cooperative engineering programs. In AAEE, Australasian association for engineering education, (Eds.), (pp. 291-305). Multi-Science Publishing Co Ltd).

2.      Paraschak, V., & Salinitri, G. (2009). Service learning: University of Windsor (CA). In Goldberg, S (Eds.), Service learning in physical education and other related professions: A global perspective (pp. 320-326). Jones & Bartlett Publishing Company.

3.      Salinitri, G. (2007). Mentoring first year students: An example of a formal program. In Smith, K. (Eds.). Teaching learning, assessing: A guide for effective teaching at college and university (pp. 106-119). Mosaic Press.

Articles in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals

1.      Roland, K, Rideout, G., Salinitri, G., & Frey, M. (2012). Development of a restorative justice ideology instrument: Assessing beliefs, contemporary justice review.  Issues in Criminal, Social and Restorative Justice, 1-13.

2.      Jaekel, A., Johrendt, J., Benzinger, K., Salinitri, G., Northwood, D., Watters, M. & Hector, C. (2011). Development of learning outcomes assessment methods for co-operative education programs. CEIA.

3.      Holloway, S. & Salinitri, G. (2010). Investigating teacher candidates' mentoring of students at risk of academic failure: An experiential field model. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partners in Learning, 18, 383-403.

4.      Rideout, G., Roland, K., Salinitri, G., & Frey, M. (2010). Measuring the impact of restorative justice practices: Outcomes and context. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations,  21, 35-60.

5.      Salinitri, D., Allen, A., & Salinitri, G. (2009).  Secondary school streaming practices in Ontario, 2009.

6.      Glassford, L. & Salinitri, G. (2007). Designing a successful new teacher induction program: An assessment of the Ontario experience. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 60, 1-13.

Articles in Professional Journals

1.      Salinitri, G. & Essery, R. (2014). Leadership experience for academic directions (L.E.A.D.): A teacher education program for student success. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, 26.

Articles in Refereed/Peer-Reviewed Conference, Symposia. Roundtable, Proceedings and Publications

1.      Belczowski, B. & Salinitri, G. (2014). Sociocultural implications on the learning of youth with concurrent disorders: factors that are perceived as necessary for student success in mainstream classrooms, International Council on Education for Teaching, ICET World Assembly, 58, 22.

2.      Essery, R., & Salinitri, G. (2014).  TPSR (Teaching personal and social responsibility). Ontario Teacher Education. (In Progress)

3.      Furlong, K.  & Salinitri, G. (2013). Discovering your possibilities: From Risk to Resilience. (In Progress)

4.      Johrendt, J., Hector, S., Watter, M., Northwood, D., Salinitri, G., Jaekel, A., & Bensinger, K. (2009).  A learning outcomes survey of engineering cooperative education students: Preliminary findings. Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 20.

5.       Johrendt, J., Benzinger, K., Salinitri, G., Watters, M., Jaekel, A., & Northwood, D., The co-op portfolio: An essential tool for assessment and student development in co-operative engineering  programs, Proceedings of the 2008 AaeE Conference.

6.      Salinitri, G., Howitt, C., & Donohoo, J. (2008). New teacher induction: A case study of the impact on teacher efficacy for new teachers and their mentors, ISATT Conference: Totems and Taboos: Risk and Relevance in Research on Teachers and Teaching.

7.      Johrendt, J., Northwood, D., Benzinger, K., Salinitri, G. & Jaekel, A. (2007). Learning outcomes for engineering cooperative education, 11th Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education, 55-59.

8.      Tousignant, W., Stanley, D., Salinitri, G., & Smith, K. (2007). Negotiating shared understandings of our work through a collaborative curriculum: Exploring the experience of creativity in cross-discipline visual arts projects, CELT,STLHE 2007: Evolving Scholarship, CD-Rom.

Articles and/or Papers Presented (Posters Presented)

1.      Prier, A., & Salinitri, G., ( 2014 ). A Portrait of At Risk University Learners, Windsor-Oakland Teaching and Learning Conference, Oakland Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning

2.      Johrendt, J., Benzinger, K, Salinitri, G. Jaekel, A., Northwood, D., ( 2010, March ), Learning Outcomes Assessment for Co-operative Education, 2010 CEIA Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, Cooperative Education and Internship Association

3.       Moldanado, M. & Salinitri, G., ( 2010 ), Communication Apprehension: Life Narratives of Teacher Candidates, 2010 Conference of Society of Teaching and Learning In Higher Education, Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

4.      Rideout, G., Salinitri, G., Roland, K. Frey, M., & Howitt, C., (2010), Measuring the Impact of Restorative Justice Practices: Outcomes and Contexts, CSSE, CATE

5.      Holloway, S. & Salinitri, G., (2009), Take the LEAD: The impact of an urban secondary school education project on at-risk youth and teacher candidates, CSSE

6.      Niewitecka, B. & Salinitri, G, ( 2008 ), Mentoring: A powerful tool to retain first-year students, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

7.      Salinitri, G & Howitt, C, ( 2007, July ), New Teacher Induction: Impact on New Teachers and Their Mentors, ISATT:Totems and Taboos: Risk and Relevance in Research on Teachers and Teaching, Brock University

8.      Tousignant, W., Stanley, D., Salinitri, G., & Smith, K, ( 2007, June ), Negotiating shared understandings of our work through a collaborative curriculum: Exploring the experience of creativity in cross-discipline visual arts projects, STLHE: Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Evolving Scholarship, STLHE

9.      Salinitri, G., ( 2007 ), Using the Scientist Social to Integrate Multiculturalism in the Science Classroom, National Science Teachers Association Detroit Area Conference, NSTA

Technical Reports

1. Perrault, L., Salinitri, G., Smith, K., & Fowler, L., ABC Literacy: An afterschool program for K-8 students, United Way, 2008 (Completed)

Workshops Presented

1. Salinitri, Geri, Academic Portfolio, Outstanding Scholars Workshop, Provost Student and International, University of WIndosr, 2011

2. Salinitri, Geri, Learning Styles and Team Building, Outstanding Scholars Workshop, Student Affairs, University of Windosr, 2010

3. Salinitri, G, Email Etiquette, Outstanding Scholars Orientation, University of Windsor, 2009

4. Salinitri, G., Interpersonal Communication, Outstanding Scholars Orientation, University of Windsor, 2008

Conferences Attended

1. OERS, Ministry of Education/Faculty of Education, Toronto, 2013

2. STLHE, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Windsor, 2008

Instruments and Techniques

1. Questionnaires, Surveys, Structured and Semi-Structured Interviews, Nud*ist

Other Research Related Activity

1. 2008/03/01-2009/03/01, Reviewer for the STHLE conference

2. 2006/11/20-2007/10/10, Reviewer for AERA journal

3. 2004/10/01-2007/10/01, Reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Education

4. 2007/01/10-2007/04/30, Adjudicator of Grant Applications for the Canadian Council of Learning

Invited, Peer Reviewed Conference, Peer Reviewed Poster

1. "Teacher Education in the Globalized Context", Envisioning Reciprocal Learning between China and Canada, Windsor, ON, (2014)

2. "Teacher Education In Ontario", China-Canada Reciprocal Education Conference, Chongqing, China, (2013), co-presenter(s): Clara Howitt, Superintendent GECDSB

3. "Restorative Practices", Tea Time - Research Activity for Faculty, Faculty of Education, Windsor, (2013), copresenter(s): Karen Roland, Glenn Rideout, Marc Frey

4. "Restorative Justice: Beliefs and Practice", Vision to Practice - GECDSB, Caesars Casino, (2012), co-presenter(s): Roland, Karen, Rideout, Glenn, Frey, Marc

5. "LEADing Teachers in 21st century learning", Ministry of Education/Faculties of Education Forum 2012, Toronto, (2012), co-presenter(s): Ryan Essery, Lisa Staley

6. "Restorative Justice Practices", WECDSB Annual Retreat, WECDSB, (2012), co-presenter(s): Karen Roland, Glenn Rideout, Marc Frey

7. "Project LEAD- Building Successful Mentoring Relationships", The Quest for Increased Student Achievement:Preparing students for the 21st century, Toronto, (2010), co-presenter(s): Lisa Bott, Victoria Paraschak

8. "Building Bridges Through LEAD: A Collaborative Adventure", SURE: School and University Reseach Experience, University of Western Ontario, (2009), co-presenter(s): Victoria Paraschak, Kathy Furlong, Dan Braun

9. "Take the LEAD: A Pilot Study of Program for At-Risk Youth", CSSE, Ottawa, ON, (2009), co-presenter(s): Dr. Susan Holloway

10. "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: An Educator's Journey from Teacher to Scholar", Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Eastern Michigan, (2009)

11. "LEAD: A Program for Teacher Candidates working with at-risk youth", Ministry of Education Forum, Toronto, ON, (2009), co-presenter(s): Dr. Susan Holloway

12. "Take the LEAD: Serving the Youth of Promise", 2009 Social Justice in Education Conference, University of Windsor, (2009)

13. "Impact of Mentoring on Teacher Efficacy", New Teacher Induction Steering Committee, Greater Essex County, District School Board, (2007)

Education Icon Education

Doctor of Education, University of Windsor (2004)
Master of Education, University of Windsor (1998)
Bachelor of Education (Honours), University of Windsor (1992)
Bachelor of Education, University of Windsor (1978)
Bachelor of Science, University of Windsor (1977)