Space Planning Committee Guidelines

Space Planning Committee

  1. The University Vice Presidents shall be the members of this Committee and the Provost shall be its Chair.


  1. Committee members who are not ex-officio will be appointed by the Provost for a period of three years, renewable.
  2. The Committee will be chaired by the Provost or delegate.
  3. Members include users and those who are directly concerned with space usage.
  4. The voting members of the Committee will include:
    • Vice-President Planning & Finance, or delegate
    • Vice-President, Research, or delegate
    • one representative is chosen by the UWSA, GSS, OPUS.
  5. The Office of Space Management, Facility Services, shall serve as Secretary to the Committee without a vote. 

Clear and Accountable Process

  1. The Committee will inform the University community members of their rights and obligations under this policy.
  2. There will be regular meetings that are announced with five days notice unless urgent circumstances exist.
  3. To the extent possible, requests made to the Committee will be provided to the Committee at least five days prior to the scheduled Committee meeting.
  4. The Committee will provide a standard form for those with space requests to use when developing their requests.
  5. The recommendations of the Committee will be based on complete applications and thorough staff briefings.

Ensuring Transparency

  1. Minutes of the meeting will be kept.
  2. The Minutes shall include recommendations and the reasons supporting them.
  3. The reasons shall be consistent with the policy.
  4. All requests will be made to the committee through their respective Secretaries on the standard template which will be posted on the Space Management website.
  5. The Secretary will ensure that all information from the requesting party is included in the presentations to the Committee together with the staff briefing document, if any.

Current Members

Jeffrey Berryman - Acting Provost and Vice-President, Academic

Anna Kirby - Acting Vice-President, Planning and Administration
Colin McLellan - Acting Director, Capital Planning and Project Management, Facility Services 
Ryan Kenney - Executive Director, IT Services
Pascal Calarco - University Librarian
Michael Siu - Vice-President, Research and Innovation, or Designate
Alice Miller - Registrar
Student Representation - SA President or other

Ex Officio:
Douglas Kneale - Interim President and Vice-Chancellor

Heather Cantin - Space Management Assistant, Office of Space Management, Facility Services  
Dan Castellan, Manager, Facility Planning, Renovations and Construction, Facility Services