University of Windsor Campus


Mission & Vision

The Payroll Department aims to deliver accurate, timely payroll services to all faculty, staff, and student employees at the University of Windsor while complying with applicable policies and procedures.  The Payroll Department works as a team with other Financial Departments to ensure all employees are paid both correctly on time while establishing an environment of trust and accountability. 

Salaried positions are paid on a bi-weekly or semi-monthly pay schedule.  Earnings are paid through direct deposit and pay statements are sent via e-mail.  Bank deposits are normally made on Thursdays however, on those occasions when a holiday occurs in the week of the pay run, bank deposits are made on Friday.

Pay Schedules:


Portal Information

You may access your personal account information by logging into the following website:


All documents are in PDF format.

Payroll Banking Information Forms

Payroll Reimbursements/Opt-Out Forms

Payroll Student Procedures

Payroll Time Sheets, Time Cards

All documents are in PDF format except where noted.

Contact Information

Payroll Department
University of Windsor
Chrysler Hall Tower, 4th Floor, Rm 413
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
Phone (519) 253-3000 ext. 2135