Taylor Imeson, Master's Thesis Defense, "Understanding the Absence of Female Coaches in Sport and the Value of Same-Sex Role Models for Female Athletes in Their Coaching Pursuits". RM 144

Monday, April 17, 2017 - 10:00
Department of Kinesiology
Faculty of Human Kinetics

Master's Thesis Defense

Taylor Imeson

“Understanding the Absence of Female Coaches in Sport and the Value of Same-Sex Role Models for Female Athletes in Their Coaching Pursuits”


Monday, April 17 , 2017
10:00 a.m.
HK Room 144


Chairperson:            Dr. Sarah Woodruff (Kinesiology)
Thesis Committee:  Dr. Margery Holman (Advisor, Kinesiology)
                              Dr. Victoria Paraschak (Kinesiology)
                              Dr. Martha Reavley (Business)