
Meet Us

Residence Life Coordinators

Residence Life Coordinators are full time, professional university employees living in residence. Their primary focus is to improve the quality of residence life by providing an environment which supports the academic, personal and social development of the students. Some of their responsibilities include educational programming, counselling, discipline, supervision of student staff and the day-to-day operation of the residence buildings. Each Residence Life Coordinator looks after a community of residence buildings.

Community Assistants

The CA’s are returning members of the Residence Life staff who have demonstrated a unique ability to lead and get involved. Their main responsibilities are the hiring and supervision of residence desk staff as well as student programming opportunities including the rezEvents programs.

Residence Assistants

Resident Assistants are students that live on the floor of first-year residences. These upper-year students are responsible for programming, peer counselling and ensuring that students are aware of the Residence Understandings and Agreements ( these are the general rules of the building which all resident students are given when they move in). Part of their job is to make sure that students respect quiet hours and everyone’s right to a positive residence experience. They receive extensive training in all areas and are there to support students academically, socially and provide a safe and secure living environment in our residences.

Resident Assistant Academic

The RA-Academics fulfill similar roles as the floor RAs. However, their main purpose is to assist the students in their residence to the academic transition to University life by providing academic advice and support.