WURA Forum

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Welcome to the WURA On-line Discussion Forum.

What is a "discussion forum"?

It's a place where you can raise any topic you'd like to discuss with your colleaugues. So if you'd like to tell everyone in WURA about great money saving ideas, or talk about your hobbies, or current events, or you're looking for a ride to somewhere, or anything else, this is the place to do it. 

What you will need.

1. an up-to-date WURA membership,
2. a valid email address (your UWinID is the best),
3. interesting news or ideas to share with others.
So here's the process (I've made it seem more complicated than it really is) ...
1. You have to register for the forum. Why? We don't want robots or other things posting to the forum that shouldn't be there.
2. The first time you use the forum you have to register. The registration process is easy. It's a couple of screens where you input your email address, create a password and answer a couple other questions.
3. They will then send a registration key to the email that you submitted earlier.
4. Check your email for the registration key and enter it into the last screen.
5. You're done.
6. From here on just login in using the email address and password you created in step 2.
The forum is available to WURA members only. Forum users are expected to follow the University of Windsor's Acceptable Use Policy. Failure to do so may result in removal from the forum.