PhD Seminar Announcement by Fen Zhao:"ShortWalk: Long Random Walks Considered Harmful for Network Embeddings on Directed Graphs"

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 11:00 to 12:30



The School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor is pleased to present …

PhD. Seminar by: Fen Zhao

Date:  April 15, 2020
Time: 11:00 am-12:30am
Meeting ID: 429 428 145
Password: Request from


In scholarly data, authors are connected via collaboration and further linked by citation links between papers, forming a heterogeneous network that contains richer information than homogeneous networks. Learning the embedding for authors is a crucial task for analyzing authors. 
In most network embedding algorithms, long random walks are often used to convert the graph into `text' and node embeddings can be learned by Skip-gram with Negative Sampling (SGNS) model. The state-of-the-art algorithm is DeepWalk. However, academic networks are usually directed graphs, where long random walks can be trapped or interrupted, leading to low-quality embeddings. In our work, we use a directed network embedding method, called ShortWalk, to learn author embeddings on directed graphs. ShortWalk generates short random traces and gives nodes equal weight by using the pair-wise combination to generate the training pairs. We apply ShortWalk on the heterogeneous author-paper network to learn author embeddings, and experiments show that ShortWalk performs better than DeepWalk in the author classification task.

Thesis Committee: 

Internal Reader: Dr. Arunita Jaekel
Internal Reader: Dr. Yung H. Tsin
External Reader: Dr. Abdulkadir Hussein
Advisor: Dr. Jianguo Lu


PhD Seminar Announcement     Vector Institute logo, artificial intelligence approved topic


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