STEPS Session

Session Descriptions and Learning Outcomes

Learn to use the power of your imagination through new visualization techniques to help personalize your learning, understand your study material better, and recall these concepts more effectively. Want to be free from last minute cram sessions? We’ll tell you how… and it doesn’t involve more studying.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Describe different strategies to memorize concepts
  2. Explain the advantages of using mental imagery methods
  3. Select the best memorization strategy for the material/content in hand
  4. Explain the relationship between reviewing and long term memory
  5. Design meaningful tools for memorizing content

Books, notes, additional readings, papers mounting… so much to read and learn in such a short time! Don’t fret; you’ll learn how to read effectively and how to find the important points you need to remember.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Describe and choose an effective reading environment
  2. Reproduce the SQ4R reading method
  3. Explain the importance of reading before class

How do you deal with so many midterms, tests, and exams? Does the idea of writing an essay exam send shivers down your spine? Learn more about concentration techniques, exam preparation, and organizational strategies.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Recognize and describe the three main stages for effective exam preparation
  2. Plan a study schedule that fosters learning rather than pure memorizing
  3. Apply active learning strategies throughout the study process
  4. Describe effective strategies to prepare for different exam formats
  5. Apply strategies to test learning process
  6. Identify the advantages of reviewing as it relates to memory

A lot of intelligent people don’t do well on tests. A poor grade on a test may reflect, among other things, how you cope with stressful situations, or how you utilize various exam strategies. Learn a new set of techniques to deal with testing in the university setting.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Identify professors' main expectations at the university level
  2. Recognize the different abilities needed for the different types of exams at university
  3. List and describe the main study tips for any exam at the university level
  4. Plan for a routine before, during, and after the exam that helps lower anxiety levels, recall better, and learn from mistakes

How do you deal with so many midterms, tests, and exams? Does the idea of writing an essay exam send shivers down your spine? Learn more about concentration techniques, exam preparation, and organizational strategies.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Recognize and describe the four main reasons why exams are challenging
  2. Describe the differences between completion of homework and learning
  3. Identify the main characteristics of aggressive learners
  4. List problem-solving characteristics
  5. Apply a systematic three step process to problem-solving questions
  6. Plan a study schedule and daily routine that fosters learning and practice

A lot of intelligent people don’t do well on tests. A poor grade on a test may reflect, among other things, how you cope with stressful situations, or how you utilize various exam strategies. Learn a new set of techniques to deal with testing in the university setting.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Identify professors' main expectations at the university level
  2. Recognize the four main factors that affect high performance during an exam 
  3. Plan for a routine before, during, and after the exam that helps lower anxiety levels, recall better, learn from mistakes, maintain high levels of energy, and to concentrate

“Why can’t I get it right? All these choices seem to be the same! The professor is trying to trick me. This is not fair!” If you hear yourself venting your frustration this way, come to this session to receive important tips and strategies for writing multiple choice exams.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. List the pros and cons of multiple choice exams
  2. Reproduce strategies to find the most correct answer in a multiple choice exam
  3. Describe the best ways to predict the correct answer when guessing must be used as last resource
  4. Compare the difference between recognizing and understanding a concept
  5. Translate information read into possible multiple choice questions
  6. Describe effective strategies to prepare for a multiple choice exam
  7. Analyze a question to find the most correct answer

Taking quick and meaningful notes is not always easy. Learn effective ways to write faster and focus on those points that your professor wishes you to remember.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Apply and demonstrate active listening skills during class
  2. Organize class notes that highlight important concepts, in-class questions, and reflexion
  3. Take notes that serve as a study tool for exam preparation
  4. Outline the Cornell Note Taking system

Customize your own learning. Don’t study longer, study more effectively! Find out how to make your own study aids, summary notes, and how to use visual and oral techniques that will suit your learning style.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Explain and describe what active learning is and what it looks like
  2. Apply strategies to stay motivated
  3. Select strategies to conclude a study session effectively
  4. Select exercises to help assess learning progress after a study session
  5. Select and design tools that best meet own learning preference
  6. Assess own attitudes towards studying

As a student, you may have to juggle many responsibilities, which might include academics, a part time job, and family obligations. At the same time, you probably want to have a social life and get out into the community to pursue your hobbies. This presentation will give you some tips on how to deal efficiently with your seemingly chaotic university life.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Describe what being proactive means with regards to time management
  2. Recognize procrastination and apply strategies to avoid it
  3. Apply strategies to better manage time
  4. Create and plan a realistic and organized study schedule
  5. Identify other factors that influence grade outcomes
  6. Evaluate short and long term goals

Feel stressed before and/or during exams? Our experienced student development specialist will discuss “test anxiety”, how it may be affecting you, and what you can do to take back control. Take the test-anxiety inventory, and practice a few simple yet effective relaxation techniques.

Learning outcomes: Students who attend to this session will be able to:

  1. Describe the different ways in which anxiety can manifest
  2. Describe all possible sources of anxiety
  3. List strategies to lower anxiety levels during the semester, before the exam, and during the exam
  4. Explain how anxiety can be beneficial as it relates to performance
  5. Apply relaxation methods before the exam to lower anxiety levels
  6. Identify other factors that may influence personal anxiety levels
  7. Plan a routine to help lower anxiety levels when needed