Leadership Suggestion Box

Got a great idea for how to improve UWindsor student life? Step up your leadership game!

Our VP of Student Experience, Ryan Flannagan, is sponsoring an annual Leadership Ideas Contest.

Submit your idea, either as an individual or as a team. Topic areas could include the Windsor Proud campaign, Sustainability, Wellness, the Campus Plan and buildings, our relationships with the communities of Windsor and Essex County - any area of your student experience where you have a vision for positive change.

Proposals should include:

  • The name(s) of the person(s) submitting the proposal
  • Their University of Windsor email address(es)
  • Specific details of the proposal as follows:
    • the topic area you want to address
    • a short statement of the challenge you perceive in that area
    • your proposal for how to overcome that challenge
    • a short statement of how you personally will be involved in the change process

Statements should be between 100 and 250 words. Please submit your proposals to leadership@uwindsor.ca before December 15th. The top two or three winners will receive a cash prize, to be awarded at the annual Lancer Leadership Conference at the end of January.