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About Us

stylized outline of many people people sitting at desks in discussion

Argumentation Studies is not accepting applications at this time.

Argumentation Studies addresses the activities and principles through which people reason:

  • To persuade others through verbal or other forms of communication
  • Collaboratively or competitively
  • On any topic where information, knowledge, or claims conflict or are inconsistent

Expertise in argumentation provides unique & powerful training for a range of careers from human resources and conflict resolution to policy development, research, and education.

The interdisciplinary PhD program in Argumentation Studies:

To learn about the sort of research that goes on in the program and the decades of argumentation research at Windsor that it builds on, visit CRRAR. To join the mailing list for CRRAR events, write:

The full Student Handbook is available below.

For specific question about the PhD program, keeping in mind that we are not accepting applications at this time, please write the Graduate Coordinator, Dr. Guarini, at

Watch the TEDx UWindsor presentation by Dr. Hundleby: "Live to Argue Another Day."  Explore work by our other faculty members through the Program Structure tab on the left.