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Graduate and Professional Schools Fair

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2019 Grad Fair Information

Wednesday September 25, 2019
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
University of Windsor - CAW Student Centre 

University of Windsor students and alumni can speak with representatives from academic institutions to learn more about their graduate programs, post-graduate certificates, and professional schools.  Find out about masters and PhD programs, law school, teacher education, pharmacy and medical programs, graduate certificate programs, MBA's,  and so much more.   

Gain insight into admission requirements and deadline dates, programs of study and campus life.

This event is FREE for all University of Windsor students and alumni. We highly encourage students from all year levels and programs to attend.


Contact Information:

Farrah Francis
Career Consultant
401 Sunset Avenue, JEC 100
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3866


We couldn't host great events like these without the help of student volunteers. We are looking for volunteers to assist with promotion, employer assistance, set up and tear down.

Want to get involved? SIGN UP NOW! 

2019 - Participating Exhibitors

Diploma of Acupuncture; Diploma of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Certificate of Acupuncture (300Hours).

Doctor of Chiropractic program

Corporate Residency MBA

Post Graduate Programs: Business, Health Sciences, Community Services, IT, Contemporary Media, Design

Georgian College Post graduate certifcates and programs

Post Graduate Certificates, Bachelor Degrees and Pathway options

MSc in Management


Business Analitics

Digital Management

International Business

Post-Graduate Programs:

Advanced Health Care Leadership; Advanced Law Enforcement & Justice; Advanced Power Engineering Technology (2nd Class); Advanced Project Management & Strategic Leadership; Advanced Teaching - E-Learning & Instructional Design; Autism & Behavioural Science; Business Management; Chemical Laboratory Analysis; Cloud Computing for Big Data; Communicative Disorders Assistant; Computer Software & Database Development; Cyber Security; Educational Technology & Instructional Design; Embedded Systems Engineering Design; Enterprise Project Management; Financial Planning & Wealth Management; Fire Science Technology; Health Care Leadership; Hospitality Management; Human Resources Management; Information Security Network Administration; Information

Doctor of Pharmacy, Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics, Master of Athletic Training

Masters in Psychology, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis


Master of Arts in History
Master of Arts in Sociology
Master of Science in Kinesiology
Master of Science in Mathematics
Master of Environmental Science/Studies
Master of Education
PhD in Education with a focus on Educational Sustainability
Consecutive Bachelor of Education 
Social Work: professional years
Nursing: Scholar Practitioner Program
Post-Baccalaureate Business diplomas/certificates


Business; Leadership

Engineering; Computer Science

Health Care; Nursing

Teaching; Education

 Government; Human Services


Medical Doctor (MD)

Graduate Certificate Programs


Seneca's Graduate Certificate programs: ( for a complete listing please visit their website): 3D Animation; Advanced Investigations and Enforcement; Applied Electronics Design  (Optional Co-op); Brand Management (Optional Co-op); Database Application Developer (Optional Co-op); Event Management - Event and Exhibit Design; Event Marketing - Sports, Entertainment, Arts (Optional Co-op); Financial Planning; Game Art and Animation; Government Relations  (Co-op); Human Resources Management (Co-op); Infant and Early Child Mental Health; Marketing Management  (Optional Co-op); Mental Health Intervention; Non-profit Leadership and Management; Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Quality Operations (Co-op); Project Management - Information Technology (Optional Co-op); Public Relations - Corporate Communications (Co-op); Social Media Analytics  (Optional Co-op); Supply Chain Management - Global Logistics; Technical Communication (Co-op); Visual Effects for Film and Television

Post Graduate Diploma Programs:

Advanced Special Effects Makeup, Prosthetics and Props; Advanced Television and Film; Advertising – Account Management; Business Analysis and Process Management; Computer Animation; Digital Creature Animation – Technical Direction; Environmental Control; Game Development – Advanced Programming; Game Level Design; Human Resources Management; Interactive Media Management; International Business Management; Journalism – New Media; Manufacturing Management; Marketing Management; Music Applied to Stage, Screen and Interactive Visual Environments (MASSIVE); Project Management; Public Relations – Corporate Communications; Quality Assurance – Manufacturing and Management; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL Plus); Visual Effects; Web Design.

Post graduate certificates

Applied Health:

Medical Laboratory Science, Respiratory Therapy, Radiation Therapy, Radiological Technology, Nuclear and Molecular Imaginging, Ultrasound, Chiropody, Cardiovascular Perfusion, Genetics Technology, Diagnostic Technology


University of Ottawa - Faculty of Education

(Windsor campus)

Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)

Master in Social Work for Working professionals (MSW)

Pharmacy: PharmD Program; Pharmaceutical Sciences

Applied Health Sciences: Clinical Laboratory Science; Mortuary Science; Pathologist Assistant; Forensic Investigation

Health Care Sciences: Nurse Anesthesia, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies; Radiation Therapy; Radiologic Technology

Bachelor of Education and Graduate Studies


Brought to you by The Office of Career Development & Experiential Learning