A centre for the enhancement of teaching and learning was first established by the University of Windsor in 2000, following recommendations from Dr. Mugridge, a consultant invited to review the operation and resourcing of activities pertaining to continuing and distance education, instructional development, and their related areas. 1
Then known as the Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL), the CFL was composed of staff members who primarily focused on the development and refinement of an environment in support of flexible learning, which required intense collaboration between the staff and departmental units, both hoping to promote and foster activities to enhance the teaching process.
Following an external review by consultant Tony Bates in 2002, the Centre strengthened its teaching and learning initiatives. Acting on Bates’ recommendations, coupled with the University’s motion to “stimulate and support a university-wide dialogue on issues that address its very heart – its students and the facilitation of their learning,” 2 the CFL steadily increased its efforts to support the University’s teaching and learning culture, increasing in size and expanding its audience to include staff that could respond to the demands of an institution centred on learning.
In 2006, the University demonstrated its support for an increased focus on teaching and learning through the creation of the position of Vice-Provost, Teaching and Learning, which was soon filled by Dr. Alan Wright, who was designated Director of the CFL on September 1, 2006. Shortly after, in the spring of 2007, responding to departmental demands, the CFL became the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL). This name change reflects the centre’s expanded emphasis on student learning, including faculty and GA/TA support, advocacy for policy supporting teaching and learning, increased emphasis on scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as its continued leadership in the effective use of learning technologies.
1 Mugridge, I. (1999). Teaching and Learning at the University of Windsor. Langley, BC.
2 Paul, R. (2001). The White Paper on Teaching and Learning. Windsor, ON: University of Windsor.