What can a graduate student do with three minutes and a single PowerPoint slide?
An annual contest called the Three Minute Thesis challenges master’s and doctoral students to present their research to a non-specialist audience. The winner gets $1,000 and a chance to represent the University of Windsor at the provincewide competition being held at McMaster University on April 17. The second-place finisher gets $500 and third place gets $250.
The presentation can include research for a doctoral dissertation, a master’s thesis or master’s major research paper.
The competition is held at university campuses in 53 countries around the globe. It gives students the chance to hone skills they will need after graduation, including public speaking and using plain language to explain academic research.
An information session for prospective contestants will be held on March 5. The competition is March 25 in Vanier Hall. The event is open to the public and admission is free.
Registration closes March 1 or once 20 students have signed up for the competition.
—Sarah Sacheli