The International Wednesdays documentary series presents a screening of From C To C: Chinese Canadian Stories of Migration, February 6 at noon in the International Student Centre on the second floor of Laurier Hall.
Filmed on location in British Columbia and throughout China’s Guandong province, From C to C is a moving, and cinematic, tapestry of Chinese Canadian stories of migration. These stories outline the injustices faced by Chinese migrants during the last century, and the little-known effects of migration on the families and communities of migrants.
The film contrasts these histories with the views and experiences of contemporary Chinese Canadian youth, leading viewers to reflect on the meaning of exclusion for those who experienced it, as well as for those who did not. By calling attention to the diverse and transnational nature of contemporary Chinese Canadian identities, the film promotes an inclusive vision of Canada that values members of all communities as global—rather than solely national—citizens.
International Wednesdays screenings are free and open to the public.