cast of “Beauty and the Beast.”DailyNews readers could win two tickets to see the current University Players production, “Beauty and the Beast.”

Magic and music on offer in trivia quiz

University Players is offering DailyNews readers a chance to win two tickets to see its current production, Beauty and the Beast, which brings the classic tale to life with movement and music.

The show continues at Essex Hall Theatre through Dec. 8. Wednesday through Saturday performances are at 8 p.m.; Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. For more information or tickets, call the box office at 519-253-3000, ext. 2808, or visit

To enter the contest, just identify the writer who penned each of the following quotes about beauty or beasts. The winner, selected at random from all correct responses received by 3 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, will receive two tickets to a performance.

  1. Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye.
    a) Francis Bacon
    b) Ben Jonson
    c) Christopher Marlowe
    d) William Shakespeare
  2. There is no folly of the beasts of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men.
    a) Louisa May Alcott
    b) Herman Melville
    c) Susanna Moodie
    d) Mark Twain
  3. Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast.
    a) William Congreve
    b) John Dryden
    c) Thomas Hardy
    d) Walt Whitman

Contest is open to all readers of the DailyNews. Send an e-mail with your responses to One entry per contestant, please. Note: the decision of the judge in determining the most correct response is inviolable.