Lauren O’DriscollPsychology doctoral student Lauren O’Driscoll is co-facilitator of a therapy group for people with symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Psychological Services and Research Centre to offer group therapy for OCD

UWindsor’s Psychological Services and Research Centre will offer “Living Fully, A Group for OCD,” a series of free weekly group therapy sessions for those struggling with symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder, beginning Thursday, January 29 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the centre’s “House on Sunset” building, 336 Sunset Avenue.

The group therapy is offered as part of the centre’s accredited academic program, which supports clinical training for graduate psychology students under the direction of faculty advisors.

According to PhD candidate and Living Fully co-facilitator Lauren O’Driscoll, individuals who spend a great deal of time and energy fighting anxiety; who feel overwhelmed by intrusive thoughts, images or impulses over which they feel little control; or those who constantly check, arrange, wash or count, may find the group helpful.

For more information or to register, call 519-973-7012 or email: