University Players production of “Othello”University Players presents the Shakespearean tragedy “Othello,” through Oct. 6 in the Essex Hall Theatre.

Tragedy proves learning experience for acting students

In Othello, William Shakespeare explores issues of sexual and professional jealousy through a lens of racial identity.

Acting student Jamar Adams-Thompson plays the Moorish prince in the current production by the University Players.

He and his castmate Cullen McNaughton, who portrays Iago, discuss what they have in common with their characters in a short video promoting the play.

“Something I learned about him is the fatigue of having to put on this front, and there’s this constant fear of being othered,” says Adams-Thompson. “It’s this battle of identity and perception.”

The play continues through Oct. 6 in the Essex Hall Theatre. For more information or tickets, call the box office at 519-253-3000, ext. 2808, or visit

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