A team from the University and City of Windsor is undertaking research and discussion to support the development of a long-term partnership agreement between Windsor’s municipal government and the University of Windsor. This effort follows on from a memorandum of understanding approved in Fall 2021, outlining a shared commitment to enhance working relationships, advance shared strategic priorities, and develop structures and procedures support those wanting to build partnered projects across the two organizations in areas of shared priority.
“The University is committed to enhancing how we work with the city and our surrounding neighbourhoods and communities,” says UWindsor president Robert Gordon. “This process is an opportunity to build mutual understanding of each others’ priorities, values, and operations. We have a lot to learn from and about each other as this process unfolds, so that ultimately the agreement will enable us to collaborate while continuing to respect the autonomy, rights, and policy contexts that operate in both settings.”
Separately, consultations with local neighborhoods and in the community are also planned as part of the upcoming Strategic Planning process.
Next steps will involve research on city-university partnerships in other municipalities, the creation of a city-university partnership database, and working with members of both organizations to identify key strategic areas for mutually beneficial collaboration.
“There are many faculty and staff members, as well as deans, who have extensive experience in partnered initiatives with cities, here and elsewhere, and they will play important roles in shaping this process as it evolves,” says Dr. Gordon.
The aim is to draft a partnership agreement for consideration by city council and the University’s governing bodies by June, with a goal of developing infrastructure that better supports joint projects
“Faculty, staff, and students are leading and contributing to so many joint initiatives with the city already, and nothing in this process is intended to change those,” Gordon says. “The hope is that we can provide tools, supports, and mechanisms to streamline collaboration, and better opportunities to work together to benefit our community, our students, and the creation and application of new knowledge.”
A working group from the University will be engaging with faculty and staff to continue exploring mutually beneficial collaboration and will be reaching out shortly. If you are currently or have recently worked on an initiative with the City of Windsor, consider reaching out to the group at uwincity@uwindsor.ca noting your interest to participate in the information-gathering process.