A webinar hosted by the Office of Research and Innovation Services and the Leddy Library on Friday, March 25, will provide instruction in “Data Management Planning for Tri-Agency Grant Applications.”
Data management is more than just a buzzword or a new requirement for grant funding agencies. It is a framework for long-term, secure, sustainable preservation of the data you collect through research projects.
Planning for good research data management can be fraught with difficult questions:
- Where do you store your data?
- How do you format it?
- How do you protect both your own intellectual property and the confidentiality of participants in your research?
- Where can you deposit your research data for long term preservation for others to ultimately discover and re-use?
The webinar will discuss all these questions and more. It will be geared towards Tri-Agency programs (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR, and NFRF), but will include principles to help any researcher manage research data in line with best practices.
After a brief overview of the grant requirements, the webinar will focus on practical considerations. Facilitators will walk through how to write a formal data management plan across all stages of the research data life cycle using DMP Assistant. They will cover key questions pertaining to data collection, documentation and metadata, storage and backup, preservation, sharing and reuse, as well as ethical and legal issues.
The event will begin at 2 p.m. on Microsoft Teams. Register online.