Dillon HallVisit the Turning Survey Results into Action website to learn about key actions to enhance employee engagement emerging from the March 2022 survey.

Action group identifies ways to enhance employee engagement

The Employee Engagement Survey Action Group has identified a set of key actions to enhance the University’s workplace culture and employee experiences.

Drawing on the results of the University of Windsor’s first Employee Engagement Survey launched in March 2022, the group has clustered the emerging actions into four overarching drivers of engagement:

  • growth and learning,
  • meaning and impact,
  • connection, and
  • workplace culture.

“This survey was an opportunity to better understand our strengths as an employer and identify opportunities for improvement to create the conditions in the work environment that allow everyone to do their best and feel valued, supported, and included, which contributes to the University's success,” says Clinton Beckford, interim vice-president, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

“Creating a work environment that fosters engagement is a journey, not a quick fix.”

As part of this journey, the Employee Engagement Survey Action Group was established in the fall of 2022.

“The Employee Engagement Survey Action Group focused its work on the areas of need identified by TalentMap, the third-party Canadian-based consultant that administered the survey, which resulted in 21 key actions that the University could undertake to enhance the workplace culture and the employee experience, which have been posted on the survey website,” says Marcela Ciampa, director, organizational and leadership development.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the action group for their commitment to this initiative and their service to the University.”

Direct inquiries to engagementsurvey@uwindsor.ca.