Officials from the University and the telecommunications company Telus celebrate the designation of the lobby of the Centre for Engineering Innovation as the Telus Atrium.
Jennifer D’Alimonte and Robert Gordon celebrate the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre and the University of Windsor.
Officials from the University of Windsor and Tilbury Capital engage in a ceremonial groundbreaking on the site of a new student residence underway on Sunset Avenue.
Engineering professor Ram Balachandar accepts congratulations on attaining the rank of Distinguished University Professor from UWindsor president Robert Gordon during May 31 Convocation ceremonies.
President’s Medallist Mary Desaulniers accepts congratulations from UWindsor president Robert Gordon during Convocation celebrations, May 30 in the Toldo Lancer Centre.
Her professors describe President’s Medallist Mary Desaulniers as a kind, thoughtful, extremely motivated, and compassionate young scholar with a zest for knowledge.