Continuing Education has opened new sections for its course “Indigenous People of Southwestern Ontario.”
Continuing Education has opened new sections for its course “Indigenous People of Southwestern Ontario.”
Donor Camille Dan has endowed a scholarship for Indigenous students of nursing.
History and women’s studies major Terri Fletcher served an internship working on an archeological dig at the site of the roundabout in Sandwich.
Members of the Native Student Alliance are seeking donations toward their Sleepy in the TiiPii overnight camp-out.
A brown bag session Monday will engage faculty in discussion of inclusive language.
Register today for the March 29 UWill Discover undergraduate research conference.
An event today will help launch a campaign to celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal learners in Ontario universities.
The Let’s Talk Science Outreach Central Conference gathered on the UWindsor campus last weekend to share ideas for developing new projects.
The Employee Recognition Awards reception Wednesday celebrated contributions of employees to the achievement of the University’s mission.
A reception January 27 will see the conferral of Employee Recognition Awards.