Need space? Here’s who can help

Space may be the final frontier, but to those Facility Services staff responsible for managing campus space, it’s just the beginning.

The Office of Space Management supports the Space Planning Committee in its role of reviewing requests for space, assigning spaces, and planning for future space requirements. Its website holds a number of related documents:

  • electronic space request forms;
  • space request procedures;
  • the space planning policy; and
  • the committee’s meeting schedule.

The office is also responsible for reporting to the Council of Ontario Universities all space the University owns or leases. It performs a physical review each year of one-third of the total and completes a triennial survey for submission to the COU, which correlates the data from all Ontario universities to report to the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities. The ministry uses the data to calculate each university’s portion of the Facility Renewal Project funding.

Learn more about the Office of Space Management on its website,