The University of Windsor and the Windsor University Faculty Association have ratified a new collective bargaining agreement. The new three-year agreement is effective July 1, 2014, and covers faculty, librarians, academic ancillary staff, sessional lecturers and sessional instructors.
The new agreement provides for an average increase of 8.9 percent over three years based on annual scale adjustments of 0 percent, 0 percent, 3 percent and Progression through the Ranks (PTR) payments of $2550, $2550, and $2650. Under the new agreement, PTR for associate and full professors will be reduced to 50 percent of the normal rate when a member’s salary reaches 1.75x the salary floor for their rank, and to 0 percent when their salary reaches 2x the salary floor.
WUFA members will also receive annual Windsor Salary Standard adjustments to ensure that salaries within each rank remain at the median within the province. Members will also receive lump sum payments of $1250 in each of the first two years. Sessional instructors will see their stipend per course increased to $8000.
Changes to the pension plan will see member contributions increase from 8 percent to 9 percent in the third year of the agreement. In addition, so long as a member continues to be actively employed and up until the time that they are required by law to commence receiving a pension (age 71), they will be required to contribute to the plan.
“I want to thank the members of both bargaining teams for their exceptional efforts to achieve a new collective agreement that will help position the University for the future,” said UWindsor president Alan Wildeman. “We have outstanding and dedicated educators across the University of Windsor, creating a learning and research environment of which we can all be proud.”