Kris McInnisAn open house Thursday will introduce student ombudsperson Kris McInnis.

Open house to introduce student ombudsperson

Students with a question or concern about any issue at the University of Windsor have a new resource to call on: student ombudsperson Kris McInnis.

She will be on hand to discuss her role during an open house Thursday, November 24, from noon to 2 p.m. in the Commons area, CAW Student Centre.

McInnis says her office is accessible, confidential, impartial and independent. The role is neither an advocate for the student nor an apologist for the University, but rather an advocate for fairness on campus.

“You may come to my office to discuss any academic or non-academic concerns, including but not limited to: progression issues, supervisory conflicts, and grade disputes,” she says. “I will discuss your concern with you, advise you of what your rights and responsibilities are as a University of Windsor student, and prepare you for the next steps by providing you with options for a fair and equitable informal resolution.”

McInnis is a licensed paralegal with a background in the criminal courts, the proceedings of academic and non-academic cases within the University, conflict resolution and family mediation.

Her position office is funded jointly by the Graduate Students Society, the Organization of Part-time University Students and the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance. Learn more on the Student Ombudsperson website.