Necessary upgrades to power lines will require Facility Services to shut down several campus utilities on Sunday, Nov. 6.
To comply with Electrical Safety Authority requirements, the University must upgrade its existing high voltage power line. The work necessitates an outage of campus electrical, compressed air and vacuum, and heating and cooling services.
The electrical outage will disable card access, elevators, lighting, air conditioning, and all power supply and is scheduled for nine hours, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. It will affect campus buildings with the exceptions of downtown properties, the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, the Centre for English Language Development, the Centre for Automotive Research and Education, 2629 Riverside Dr., and the maintenance and grounds building on Union St.
The compressed air and vacuum outage will affect labs throughout the campus.
The steam outage will disable hot water and heating and cooling systems. The shutdown will disrupt most campus buildings, with the exceptions of downtown properties, the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, the Centre for English Language Development, and the Centre for Automotive Research and Education.
Find details in this document: Campus Wide Electrical, Compressed Air + Vacuum and Heating + Cooling Services Outage Information.