Nursing professor Judy Bornais has accepted a one-year appointment as acting executive director, experiential learning, effective July 1.
Nursing professor Judy Bornais has accepted a one-year appointment as acting executive director, experiential learning, effective July 1.
Detroit Receiving Hospital named Holly Trepanier (BScN 2014), currently pursuing her master’s degree, its Nurse of the Year.
First-year nursing students ran a health fair for local Grade 5 students last week.
UWindsor students, recent alumni, and staff are now welcome to get a free membership to the EPICentre Makers' Base.
Research Associate Duncan Lam is busily recruiting members for the new program and gleams with excitement now that the doors and the possibilities of a tinkering network are open for business. EPIC Makers' Base is located in the EPIC Industrial Hub (Centre for Engineering Innovation Room 1133) and is a place for people from all academic and technical backgrounds to undertake experiential learning through hands-on activities.
Alumna Donna Wellington will deliver a keynote address at an International Women’s Day gala hosted by Women’s Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor.
Windsor and Essex County is a healthier region thanks to Judy Bornais.
The University of Windsor nursing professor’s passion for learning and care for others has won her recognition from the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education as one of its 2018 3M National Teaching Fellows.
The inaugural SCAN Health Virtual Business Case Competition open February 5.
Fabrice Mowbray hopes his research into non-urgent emergency department use by patients with mental illness will ease congestion in area hospitals.
Until now, instructors in the UWindsor Faculty of Nursing have had to leave the city to earn a doctorate in the discipline. That is changing, with the introduction of a new PhD program in nursing which welcomed its first cohort Tuesday at a reception in the Medical Education Building.
“This is going to service Windsor-Essex very well,” said Dale Rajacich, graduate co-ordinator. “In all of Canada, only 411 professors of nursing hold doctorates in nursing, as opposed to some other field. We need to produce more.”
Register before September 10 for the early-bird rate for the Digital Dependency Awareness Conference, September 29 at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.