Centre for Teaching and Learning

Jenni HotteJenni Hotte, a doctoral student of social work, won an award for best poster presentation at the Windsor-Oakland Teaching and Learning Conference.

Student honoured for application of permaculture principles to teaching

As an avid gardener, Jenni Hotte understands something about working with nature to encourage growth and productivity within an ecological system.

The doctoral student of social work applies that principle to her teaching, an approach that earned her the Wilbert McKeachie International Poster Prize for top poster at the Windsor-Oakland Teaching and Learning Conference, May 18 and 19 on the Oakland University campus.

Nancy Wright, Veronika Mogyorody, Alan WildemanProfessor Veronika Mogyorody of the School of Creative Arts (centre) receives congratulations from Dean of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Nancy Wright and UWindsor president Alan Wildeman on her international recognition with the Brightspace Innovation in Teaching Award.

Video provides record of Celebration of Teaching Excellence

Watch a video from the 10th annual Celebration of Teaching Excellence

Reception to mark decade of teaching celebrations

The 10th annual Celebration of Teaching Excellence will pay tribute to the efforts of all educators on campus to inspire, engage, and enrich student learning, in the CAW Student Centre’s Ambassador Auditorium, on Wednesday, November 18, at 4 p.m.

In addition to recognizing winners of national, provincial, and campus-wide teaching awards, the event will honour the numerous and varied service contributions which faculty members, staff, and students make to the University’s learning environment, including members of the following committees: