A team of UWindsor researchers is embedding sensors in insoles to diagnose problems with the way people walk.
Grace Johnson will exercise her own curiosity and perseverance as the 2021 recipient of the Baylis Physics Research Internship.
UWindsor researchers and institutional partners are tackling microplastics pollution at its source.
A series of conversations will pair healthcare executives with researchers in September to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic.
A team from the University of Windsor is designing a portable device to test for COVID-19.
The self-healing elastomer developed by UWindsor researchers can be used to make long-lasting pressure sensors, useful in a variety of applications.
Aleena Malik and Renée Goodman won $750 in a student research competition at the 2019 Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada national conference.
Simon Rondeau-Gagné is in the early stages of developing implantable or injectable “nanoantennas” to deliver electric charges to brain tumours.