After giving out more than 1,000 pieces of candy, plus bottled water and literature, organizers of Friday’s “I Clover Sober” event pronounced themselves satisfied with the effort.
“A lot of the students are really enjoying the tips we are giving them,” said Donja Trivers, a residence assistant – academic in Laurier Hall. “We are getting a good response.”
The annual campaign encourages students to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day responsibly. The holiday is often an occasion for alcohol abuse.
“We’re reminding them to know their limits – and stay within them,” Trivers said.
A number of residence students and staff patrolled the Wyandotte Street entrances to campus Friday afternoon, bearing banners with messages about safe drinking and the virtues of moderation.
Jacqueline Mellish, residence life coordinator in Macdonald and Electa halls, said that approach is more effective than demanding complete abstinence.
“We understand that both residence and off-campus students might choose to drink,” she said. “We want to make sure that if they make that choice, they have the knowledge on how to be safe.”