Everyone can be a hero, says Jacqueline Mellish, residence life coordinator for Macdonald and Electa Halls. She is calling on the University community to join in an effort to help replenish the dwindling supplies in local food banks.
Student volunteers with the Higher Education Reaching Out (HERO) Project will fan out across the city on Saturday, April 6, for a Day of Action to collect non-perishable foods, but the donations can start early, says Mellish, if faculty, staff and students drop off contributions to the Residence Services office.
“Anything that you can do will help to improve the situation of a Windsor family in need,” she says. “With food banks not being able to keep up with the demand, it's time that we reached out and gave our neighbours a helping hand.”
The Windsor Essex Food Bank Association has identified a particular need for these items:
- Peanut butter, jam, cereals
- Canned meat, tuna, beans
- Rice, pasta and sauce, baking products
- Children’s snacks, cookies, crackers
- Juice in boxes or cans
- Canned fruits and vegetables
- Packaged macaroni and cheese
- Canned or dried soups and stews
- Personal hygiene products or toiletries
- Baby supplies, diapers, clothing
The collection will continue through the week at the Residence Services office, room 49, Vanier Hall. To arrange pick-up, phone Mellish at 519-253-3000, ext. 7009.