Earth surrounded by musical notesMembers of Uni-Com are praising their experiences in a course on space travel that included a concert featuring astronaut Chris Hadfield.

Space course for retirees slips surly bonds of Earth

A successful trip to space has members of Uni-Com contemplating a return visit.

The Retirement Learning Centre offered a course by physics professor emeritus Bill Baylis on “Space and Space Travel” that included a field trip to hear astronaut Chris Hadfield perform with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra.

It was a great success, says Uni-Com coordinator Bill McRae.

“Dr. Baylis taught his course at Canada South Science City,” he says. “He shared the 1700s music of astronomer and composer William Herschel’s Symphony 12 in D Major and demonstrated how it could be related to the studies of physics, space and space travel.”

McRae says the centre is considering follow-up courses for its study groups in February.