man with moustache riding bicycleA new component of the Movember campaign encourages participants to get active this month.

Kinesiology students looking forward to a hairy month

The Kinesiology Graduate Student Association invites the campus community to join its Movember team to raise funds—and awareness—addressing issues of men’s health.

The Movember campaign asks participants to grow moustaches and solicit sponsors in support of programs focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity. A new component is the Move challenge, which gets both men and women physically active every day in November.

“Sitting is the new smoking,” says team captain Adam Goodwin.

The association has set a goal of raising $5,000 and generating 100,000 minutes of physical activity. It will donate an additional $25 to the cause in the name of the top UWindsor individual in each category.

Goodwin invites all members of the campus community: alumni, faculty, staff and students, to participate. Visit to join Team UWin or learn more about Movember. Student organizations or departments looking to get involved or help lead Team UWin may contact the association at