Campus Police officers pose with drama studentsCampus Police officers receive theatre tickets Friday as a sign of appreciation from drama students.

Campus Police bring safety and security to students: drama society

Billy Chandler says he likes to visit Campus Police, but doesn’t want to give them a reason to visit him. President of the drama student society Club SODA, he led a delegation Friday to present complimentary theatre tickets to officers of Campus Police Services.

“They are an incredible part of our community at the university, keeping us safe, secure, and bringing their great energy to work,” Chandler says. “They look out for us at the School of Dramatic Art, and they understand that we have a slightly more unorthodox style here.”

He adds that while he was honoured to thank them for their day-to-day work on behalf of his student members, he generally hopes they don’t need to see police more often.

The officers received free admission to the current University Players production, Scapino! The play’s run continues through December 6 in the Essex Hall Theatre. Find tickets at or by calling the box office at 519-253-3000, ext. 2808.