Apr 1st, 2016
A free public reception Saturday, April 2, will celebrate the opening of an exhibition by students of printmaking.
“A Pressing Matter” will run through April 16 in the Windsor Printmaker’s Forum, 420 Devonshire Road. Saturday’s reception there begins at 7 p.m.
The exhibition will feature the work of students in the School of Creative Arts course in advanced printmaking: Arin Anger, Taylor Broda, Alexandra Charnina, Emily Cote, Lauren Crosby, Erika Dame, Alex Derbyshire, Erin Donnelly, Charl Fourie, Shannon Golen, Amanda Hawkins, Sophie Hinch, Shuhan Jiang, Zoe Kolonelos, Julia Lepera, Becky Lisk, Derrik Marvin, Maria Mediratta, Christina Naer, Alexa Sampson, Meaghan Saunders, Allison Scheele, Taylor Simser, Jillian Siu and Leila White.
Academic Area: