Christine WiedmanChristine Wiedman, an accounting professor at the University of Waterloo, will discuss her research into shareholder proposals to disclose corporate political spending in a public lecture Friday.

Study of shareholder activism focuses on disclosure of corporate political spending

A study of shareholder proposals to disclose corporate political spending is the subject of a lecture Friday in the Odette Building.

Accounting professor Christine Wiedman of the School of Accounting and Finance at the University of Waterloo will discuss her project “Shareholder Activism and Voluntary Disclosure Initiation: the Case of Political Spending” as part of the series Topics in Accounting Research.

“Using corporate political spending disclosures as our empirical setting, we conduct a detailed inquiry of shareholder proposals to highlight the role of shareholder activism in the diffusion of disclosure practices,” says Dr. Wiedman. “Our findings highlight shareholder proposals as one mechanism by which investors can express their preferences for and successfully influence corporate disclosure policies.”

Her presentation is free and open to the public, at 10:30 a.m. May 6 in room 321, Odette Building.

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