tablet computer and paper notebookA May 6 workshop will provide an introduction to creating a teaching dossier.

Workshop to provide introduction to teaching dossiers

A workshop on Thursday, May 6, will focus on the fundamentals of creating an effective teaching dossier, a professional portfolio to demonstrate teaching experience and inspire self-reflection.

Instructors Elizabeth Ismail, Paige Coyne, and Irene Muir will introduce each component of the dossier and provide resources to assist participants in the process.

The session, “An Introduction to Creating a Teaching Dossier,” will focus on the fundamentals of developing a philosophy statement that speaks to the beliefs about teaching and learning while highlighting teaching-related activities and accomplishments.

Presented by the GATA Network, the workshop is especially relevant for graduate and teaching assistants planning to apply for academic awards.

It will run on Blackboard from 11 a.m. to noon. Find more information and register on the event website.