From March 14 to 30, 2022, faculty and staff had an opportunity to share confidential feedback about their experiences working at the University of Windsor by participating in the University’s first-ever Employee Engagement Survey. By the survey closing date, 955 faculty and staff shared their thoughts about their experiences working at the University, representing a 48 per cent response rate.
“Thank you to all the faculty and staff who took the time to complete the survey,” says Clinton Beckford, vice-president, equity, diversity, and inclusion. “The results have provided us with a more accurate picture of the employee experiences. They highlight areas of strength and opportunities to enhance our workplace culture and create the conditions in the work environment that allows everyone to do their best, feel valued, supported, and included.”
The information gathered through the survey comes at a crucial time in the development of the University’s next strategic plan, Aspire.
“The insights and themes that arise from the survey will support the identification of areas of strategic focus,” says president Robert Gordon. “The Executive Leadership Team is committed to following through on the opportunities emerging from the survey results as these are fundamental to improving the way we work together to create a work environment that we can all enjoy and be proud of. The results provide the baseline information from which we can measure progress.”
Creating a work environment that fosters engagement and contributes to the University’s success is a journey, not a quick fix. An Employee Engagement Action Group will be established in the coming months with representation from faculty, staff, managers, and senior leaders to do a deeper analysis of both the quantitative and qualitative data and identify recommendations to address the emerging high priority opportunities for improvement.
Faculty and staff are invited to visit the Employee Engagement Survey website to view the University-wide survey results provided by TalentMap and the highlights infographic (login required). Department- and area-specific results will follow in the fall. Questions can be directed to Marcela Ciampa, director of organizational development and training in the Office of the Vice-President, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.