Human Resources

Bottle of sunscreenThe July 2019 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” offers information about extreme heat and the steps that you can take to protect yourself.

Wellness newsletter offers tips for protection from heat

The July 2019 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” offers information about extreme heat and the steps that you can take to protect yourself.

heart painted on wooden floorThe June 2019 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” offers information about cholesterol and its connection to cardiovascular disease.

Cholesterol subject of employee wellness newsletter

The June 2019 edition of Workplace Wellness E-Digest offers information about cholesterol and its connection to cardiovascular disease.

breadsThe May 2019 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” offers information about celiac disease and other sensitivities to gluten.

Wellness e-Digest bears down on celiac disease

The May 2019 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” offers information about celiac disease and other sensitivities to gluten.

Training Advisory Committee seeking employee input

The Training Advisory Committee is in the process of gathering data that will assist in the identification of learning opportunities for the annual Professional Development Calendar offered through Human Resources.

suggestion boxAn online suggestion box has been created to engage employees in the design of the 2019-20 Professional Development Calendar, says Marcela Ciampa, director of organizational development and training.

balanced meal on plateThe February 2019 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” shares some of the dietary information in the new Canada’s Food Guide.

Wellness newsletter shares dietary advice from food guide

The February 2019 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” shares some of the dietary information in the new Canada’s Food Guide.