An opt-in alternative grading system for the Winter 2021 semester will support students facing academic challenges because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, says provost Douglas Kneale.
The change will allow eligible students to choose from three options once their final grades have been posted:
- to accept the final grade assigned by the course instructor;
- to request a Pass/Non-Pass grade for one course, based on the minimum required passing grade in their program or course; or
- to voluntarily withdraw from a course without academic penalty.
The revised Voluntary Withdrawal provision applies to all students except pre-service students in the Faculty of Education and students in the Faculty of Law’s JD and Dual JD programs.
The Pass/Non-Pass option applies to all students except pre-service students in the Faculty of Education.
“We strongly encourage students to strive for the best grade possible in all classes to support their future success and to think cautiously about using alternative grading before selecting this option,” says Dr. Kneale.
He encourages students considering any alternative grades to meet with an academic advisor to review the potential implications on future academic and professional pursuits, such as applying to law, medicine, graduate school, a professional licensing organization, and employment opportunities.
A memorandum providing more detail has been circulated to students and faculty. Find more information at ask.UWindsor.