The United Way helped environmental sciences student Gede Palar secure mentorship from the manager of environmental services for the City of Windsor.
For Faculty of Nursing sessional instructor Katherine Beaumont, her third-year students, and Grade 6 teachers at West Gate Public School, providing self-care teachings along with essential personal hygiene products for pre-teens in need reaffirms the idea that great things happen when you work together for a common good.
As part of the BScN students’ school health education placement program, lessons included fun and immersive games intended to engage and punctuate the importance of personal hygiene, oral health, hand washing, bathing, and self-esteem.
The Campus Campaign for United Way raised almost $115,000 for the charity.
Three donors to the campus campaign for United Way each won a pass for eight months’ free parking.
The Windsor-Essex United Way will hold its inaugural Polar Dip on Feb. 3 at Leamington’s Seacliff Beach.