United Way

Networking meeting aimed at young leaders

Kristina Verner, research and development officer for the Centre for Smart Community Innovation, will be the featured speaker at a networking meeting of the United Way’s GenNext Committee, Monday, November 21, at downtown Windsor’s City Grill.

Organizers bill the event as an opportunity to meet with local businesspeople, community leaders, and individuals in their 20s and 30s interested in leadership development, volunteerism, and supporting the community.

UWindsor iClimb teams top $1,000 for United Way

Teams from the Faculty of Law and the campus campaign for United Way raised more than $1300 for the charity’s iClimb event at the WFCU Centre.

Volunteers solicited pledges and then climbed the steps inside the east-end arena.

The law school’s team of students, staff and faculty collected $735 and the team from the central campaign raised $571. Members of the campus community also participated on other teams.

Sherri Overholt of the Centre for Executive and Professional Education helped to organize the event; Karen Pillon of the Leddy Library hosted warm-ups.

Law school to mount stairs to benefit local charity

There is no better bonding exercise than actual exercise, says Francine Herlehy, assistant dean for student services in the Faculty of Law.

She is organizing a team of students, faculty and staff to participate in iClimb for United Way, soliciting sponsorship before mounting more than 1,000 stairs in the WFCU Centre on Friday.

“This is a way for Windsor law to come together,” Herlehy says. “The iClimb allows them to actively participate, rather than just write a cheque.”

The law school has an ongoing relationship with United Way.

Barbecue today to support local charity

It may be better to give than to receive, but sometimes you can do both. One such occasion is today's retirees barbecue for the United Way.

UWindsor retirees organize the annual event, with proceeds going to the United Way, which funds non-profit organizations in Windsor and Essex County. The barbecue will be held outside the eastern entrance to the CAW Student Centre from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
