University Players is offering DailyNews readers a chance to win two tickets to see its current production, the Canadian classic Les Belles Soeurs. The play’s run continues through Sunday, February 11, at Essex Hall Theatre. Wednesday through Saturday performances are at 8 p.m.; weekend matinees are at 2 p.m. For more information or tickets, call 519-253-3000, ext. 2808, or visit
To enter the contest, just send your answers to the following three trivia questions. The winner will be randomly selected from all correct responses received by 4 p.m. Monday, February 5.
- Michel Tremblay wrote Les Belles Soeurs in 1965; what year was it first produced?
a) 1966
b) 1967
c) 1968
d) 1975 - The play is perfomed in English, translated by John Van Burek and Bill Glassco from what language?
a) French
b) Greek
c) Italian
d) Spanish - The play is set in which Canadian city?
a) Montreal
b) Quebec City
c) Toronto
d) Trois-Rivières
Contest is open to all readers of the DailyNews. Send an e-mail with your responses to One entry per contestant, please.